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Highlands Library: WEBSITES

Choosing a Website

Do more than just GOOGLE for results.

There may be many websites that appear to match your topic.  Remember that a website can be created by anyone (even a 4th grader). You should carefully look at your search results to determine if you should use it.

  • Is it CURRENT? Look the date of the site.  
  • Is is RELEVANT?  Does it match up with your topic?
  • Who is the AUTHORITY?  Who wrote this?  Is a an expert?  A journalist?  Is this someone else's homework?
  • Is the information ACCURATE?  Can you find the same information somewhere else or is this someone's opinion?
  • What is the PURPOSE of the site? Why does the site exist?  Is it to sell you something or inform you?

Here are some 'tips' for using a keyword search from the website Common Sense Media:


Use Google News

Use a GOOGLE News Search or a GOOGLE Advanced Search for better results.


Type in your search keywords and click News - (the same way access an Image search) Use tools to limit your search to a certain time period.



Typing Google Advanced Searching in the search bar will take you to an advance search.  Use specific terms to limit your results.  See this video for more information: